Tomorrow we are under the energies of a big Gorgeous Full Moon in Leo but there are many, as always different energies at play here too.
One thing for us to keep in mind all of this year is Endings and Change - now I know that's what I say a lot but 2025 really is, the completion and culminations of many cycles. These can be personal and material things in our lives, or cosmically, karmic and soul contracts that have served their purpose.
Why?.... The Moons Nodes have changed signs into Pisces and Virgo - yes you will be feeling this more so if you are one of those signs, but we all feel this cycle collectively for the next 18 months. The North Node in Pisces ♓️ is our soul path we are walking on and energies we try to bring more of into our lives for soul higher awareness - this doesn’t always feel comfy and its territory we are unfamiliar with.
The South Node in Virgo ♍️ is what we have outgrown and need to bring less of to the table. The eclipses every 6 months always highlight this energy and give us each time, more pieces to the story or our theme for an 18 month long cycle
A quick break down - Pisces ♓️ - what we are striving for .. sensitive/emotional/empathetic/compassionate/intuitive/creative/goes with the flow/fluid/malleable/spiritual/trust and surrender/let it go … The shadow energies are delusion, illusion, avoidance, overgiving, overwhelm, addiction, gullible, immune system breakdown
Virgo ♍️- what we want to become less of because we already have these lessons on board … practical/attention to details/precision/planning/overthinking/the fixer/organizer. The shadow side - rigidity and inflexibility, controlling, unable to cope with change, OCD, selfsabotage, overthinking, mental overwhelm, tends to overfix/interfere Gut issues/ irritable bowel syndrome, mental fatigue, insomnia
Neptune - Pisces ♓️ ruler (the boss of it !) think dreams, subconscious, psychic, astral and cosmic realms is right next to the Moons North Node activating a soul push into something we just can’t quite see Neptune energy is fuzzy like a veil, or that dream we try and remember as it floats away but it’s seeded in our subconscious.
We may start to feel where we have been deluding or what we have been avoiding in ourselves - it’s all coming to the surface. Big picture plans and dreams start to take on a subtle energy but there is no clear path with details (bye ♍️ Virgo energies that NEED the details ) of how we are going to get there. But with TRUST and SURRENDER to the flow of Pisces we will “see and intuit” the path much faster than over planning/overthinking etc
Why am I telling you all of this .. well this Full Moon in Leo ♌️ is making a tense square with Uranus in Taurus.♉️ These energies are Fixed energies so we may feel really “stuck” and unwilling to let go or change the narrative around our current jobs/relatioships/stability/self worth but there are some higher energies here alongside the north node /neptune conjunction that are giving us opportunities to redirect.
The Leo ♌️ energies are heart centered, loyal loving and playful, incredibly creative and child like - they need to be seen and heard unless their hearts shrivel and armor
The Sun in Aquarius ♒️ is shining light on our uniqueness and talents that we may have been hiding or afraid to show for fear of being different or judged. This is energy where you don’t want to just follow - be authentically you and what your heart craves despite what anyone thinks. Uranus energy IS unusual and different/sudden and wobbly/ freedom and rebellious. If you have a lot of planets in the fixed signs - Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio this is a release point that can feel quite emotional and edgy It’s almost forcing us to go deep within beneath the superficial to see where we are held back. Where we have been playing small, where we have imposed self limitations on ourselves (eg oh I could never do that, I’m not talented enough )
As always this will be different for each of us as the Sun and Moon will be in different “houses” activating that area of our lives. This Moon for me is huge as I have natal plants in Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. I am definitely feeling the feels of this one !
Full Moons are wonderful energies to Forgive, Release and Gratitude - the North Node energies in Pisces could be about releasing energetic and karmic cords with family, people, or yuk patterns of behavior that keep repeating. The Release Key For this moon is Scorpio - the inner detective of our deep psyche Delve and release/forgive any parts of yourself you don’t want others to see. It’s raw truth.
Honor your inner freak and unique self
If you’re “following” you are not aligning with your true purpose If you’re not changing, check in with why you’re unwilling ? Find your aligned people that your heart feels at ease with.
Trust and flow are the hardest of all to lean into but that’s our cosmic mission for the next 18 months - control is so yesterday, flow is in.
Go well beautiful people
Kat 🌙 💫