Welcome to the last half of March and Eclipse Season kicking off..
The last half of March sees us having a lunar eclipse on the 14th
Venus and Mercury Retrogrades, The Aries Equinox and Neptune moving into Aries.
Plus the Sun and Moon in Pisces later this month
Pisces ♓️ last week had 6 planets in it and I did mention that we would be getting a lot of water and fluidity just wasn’t quite expecting a cyclone and floods - but that is Pisces ♓️ the unknown and what we cannot see.
My last blog spoke into this Pisces/Virgo Nodal Eclipse energies that will stay with us until late 2026 It delves into the energies we want to create and what we need to leave behind.
The Venus Retrograde is currently traversing backwards through Aries and will also end back in Pisces as will Mercury on the 15th -what does this mean, a whole lot of reevaluations for Venus and rethinking for Mercury. Mercury rules our mind, our thoughts, communications, information coming in, contracts, the past, also money. Venus rules our values, stability, money, relationships, beauty, what we want to create. This is a tricky retrograde as Aries is the let’s go, get this party started energy and Pisces is dreamy, slow, dissolving, loss, mutable.
To me it feels like we can kind of feel our next step, but we have no clear path or directions to get there. This is the trust and surrender Pisces energy. Retrogrades coupled with an eclipse make this even more confusing - they are very much a time of not rushing headlong into the thing but assimilating what is coming up for us, around us, and intuitively for us.
Neptune in the last weeks of Pisces ♓️ is giving us much needed information via our dreams and subconscious as to what is our next direction. Think back to 2017 March / April as this was when Venus was last here and will have a similar theme. Nothing is ever to be feared with retrogrades, they simply offer energies to learn from the past and do it better for our own peace.
This Eclipse will happen in Virgo next to the South Node of the Moon - this will be a Full Moon on steroids and really just the start of an 18 month cycle of releasing the Virgoisms in us such as overplanning, fixation on details, mental self sabotage, overthinking, trying to control every outcome, having to know every detail!
Also our Health is such a big spotlight here as in ditching unhealthy habits (hmmm tik tok!) unhealthy eating, drinking and really tuning into what our bodies need. Virgo can evoke a lot of negative mental overwhelm so maybe starting meditation or seeking energy sessions or sound therapy. Our bodies are such intuitive vessels they will always be subtly talking to us if we slow down and listen. Keeping a dream journal is very supportive right now.
The Pisces energy will be around us all of this year poking us to lean even deeper into our intuition and soul self. More and more people are starting to awaken to this beautiful heart centred frequency that is all around us and it is letting us know via synchronicities, number sequences, dejavu, or our thoughts becoming realities. This year is a big year of recognising what limits us and all limitations from this life and past lives - I delve into this a lot in my one on one Energy Sessions and Astrological sessions.
Lean into what it is that you yearn for, your dream job/relationship etc for it is in this now energy that we start to really manifest our dreams into reality. It will be slow, it will feel like one step forward , two backwards all of this year but by 2026 things will start to change and manifest into the here and now …
As always find in your charts the house number where Aries and Pisces reside as this will be different for us all. You can google your birth charts at Astro.com go to chart and calculations, then chart drawing and ascendant, enter your details especially the time of birth and voila you will be able to see where Pisces is in in your chart. If you want more info contact me for a full reading - they’re so cool and heaps of past life information too.
Dream big, until next time