I swear it felt like it was yesterday that I was hanging up Xmas decorations and here I am doing it again - even though I have been saying time is quickening it really hit me how fast it actually is going …
2024 has been a huge preparatory year of Processing, Shifting and Integrating. It has been a year to prepare us for the many changing energies in 2025. A total of 5 planets change signs - we will never see this in our lifetime again. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit and Neptune takes 165 years - when these outer planets shift so does the energy.
I have seen so many this year who have been pushed to their limits, stretched out of their comfort zones to the max, life changing decisions and reaching pivotal points in their lives whether they wanted them or not. Pluto changing signs has started a new era illuminating the hidden and eliminating what is not for our highest timeline for us to reach our highest potentials.
Gemini in Expansive Jupiter most of the year until June 2025 has had us processing more information than ever - opening our minds to higher possibilities, new information and insights to new perspectives. At times the amount of information we are absorbing can be overwhelming and detrimental to our mental health 2024 is teaching us to align with our inner truths not just what we are reading. The Hype in 2025 will get louder so our discernment must be better
Saturate yourselves in the rhythms and energy of nature and Mother Earth when the mind energy is too much.
When Jupiter moves into Cancer next June our needs and self care become a priority. We are getting a taste of this now as Mars retrogrades back into Cancer having us reflect on, are we getting our needs met and heard. Cancer also represents the motherline, family/home, ancestral patterns and womb energy Watch and journal what has been coming up for you since early October this year right through til May 2025. This is a wonderful time to journal your inner feelings, receive energy work around ancestral themes, receive womb massage to connect deeply within.
The shifts of the Moons Nodes and Eclipses in Aries and Libra have also ended and highlighted what is not aligned with our internal balance, our relationships and peace The energies of others, work, play and how we manage our down time, how this affects our homeostatic balance has had us also deeply processing and making changes. As we come to the end of this 18 month journey you may realize what you are not prepared to settle for anymore just to keep the peace. The word No or No thanks might have featured more !! The stirrings of something you really want to step in to, or doing things for YOU, not so much others has been moving. This stirring will become stronger in 2025 when Neptune and Saturn enter Aries together.
The Solar flares from the Suns 11 year cycle is already ahead of its projected timeline. Time is quickening, energy is quickening. We have all been receiving heightened energies and soul upgrades to our intuition and higher self. Headaches, ringing ears, vertigo, swinging between exhaustion and energized, heightened dreams, uncomfy dreams, dizziness, sudden dislikes to food, number patterns, thinking of someone and then they show up - these are all signs your subconscious is being upgraded. You are remembering you are a divine being connected to something bigger.
People have been nudged by an inner voice to go to meditation classes, explore their spiritual side, dip their toes into the unknown but Intuitively knowing it feels right. You may have also noticed this year that whatever you have been thinking/ manifesting just happens - quickly !!! Whether that’s “ I hate my job and don’t like being there” Only to break both their legs and unable to be there. Our thoughts are our reality, so this year has been learning to watch our thoughts and be able to change the story fast like imagining yourself in that perfect job that you love. Staying present in every moment is also soooo important as time will evaporate fast next year. You have the power to change the narrative.
Neptune in the last degrees of Pisces and shifting to Aries next year represents a brand new 165 cycle Neptune is our subconscious, our dreams, heightened states of intuition- 2024 has been waking us up so in 2025 we can start turning our dreams into our realities - I’m so excited by this !! 2024 has been a dive into our subconscious minds, the parts we often don’t like to go. Some of this may be uncomfy as it arises but if you don’t pull out the weeds how can you possibly grow your dreams. Pay attention to your dreams and how they make you FEEL - as this is a big clue.
As for now, as everyone is rushing to complete things before the end of year we are in a period of planets in retrograde so that means a slowing, a reviewing, a revisit - so if you are pushing to close deals you are working against the flow. After Christmas is better energy for big decisions and commitments. This IS wonderful energy for a reflection of the year and particularly how much you have changed in the last 15 years. Reflect on what you have learnt, where you have been in survival mode, where you have expanded, your biggest losses, your biggest gains.
2025 IS ALL ABOUT CHANGE - what is now will never be the same It will be about soul evolution, soul upgrades, coming together as communities, finding your tribe, working with energy, sound healings and frequencies, grounding and anchoring, dreaming in your reality with conviction and courage, stepping and surrendering into the unknown with total trust, trusting the unplanned path, not being so fixated on details and perfectionism, more dreaming, more time to create, flow instead of swimming against the current and more self care.
More kindness
More compassion
Less Judgement - Able to see and accept others opinions but remaining neutral
If you have gotten this far, I so appreciate you taking the time to read my downloads and thoughts. I hope it helps and as always it will be different for everyone as the planets will move into different houses (the where in your life it will play out ) in peoples natal charts. Astrology helps us flow and be in sync with the energies around us. There is always time to push, a time to slow, a time to reflect.
Much much love to you all
Kat 💞✨
